Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wine Tour 2012

M and I are semi-eligible for an academically and spiritually (most importantly, all compensated) tour of France. If by some miserable misfortune we aren't selected, we have a back-up plan to go anyways. Below is MY suggestion for our tour.

via Glut with Guts

Stop 1: Portugal--Vino Verde to refresh our wine tasting palate 
Stop 2: Madrid--Pay homage with some Rioja Sangria!
Stop 3: Bordeaux--Drinking buckets of red, Bordeaux of course
Stop 4: Paris--Anything that goes with crusty croissants
Stop 5: Amsterdam--Don't be mistaken, this is a wine tour! Frühburgunder from Gelderland

This wouldn't be a blog for gluttons if we didn't include a culinary overview of pairings for our wine:

via Dom Lane--click for full page view!

Saving my pennies and dimes until then!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Summer Slides!


via A Cup of Jo
I want to go here to bad! Definitely adding this to my "MUST TRAVEL TO" list! Sicily, I'm heading to you soon!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

House Lust!

via Poca Cosa

How lovely is this wine lounge? I need to make note to add one of these to my future home!

Friday, February 4, 2011

un été à l'étranger

[Sigh] This video has me dreaming of a summer abroad... I miss Europe in the fall!

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