Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wine Tour 2012

M and I are semi-eligible for an academically and spiritually (most importantly, all compensated) tour of France. If by some miserable misfortune we aren't selected, we have a back-up plan to go anyways. Below is MY suggestion for our tour.

via Glut with Guts

Stop 1: Portugal--Vino Verde to refresh our wine tasting palate 
Stop 2: Madrid--Pay homage with some Rioja Sangria!
Stop 3: Bordeaux--Drinking buckets of red, Bordeaux of course
Stop 4: Paris--Anything that goes with crusty croissants
Stop 5: Amsterdam--Don't be mistaken, this is a wine tour! Frühburgunder from Gelderland

This wouldn't be a blog for gluttons if we didn't include a culinary overview of pairings for our wine:

via Dom Lane--click for full page view!

Saving my pennies and dimes until then!


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