One rarely ever believes that home can be an exotic destination. Yet today as I rode the bus to work, I was overcome with an immense overwhelming culture shock.
O.K. I know I'm dramatic. Maybe not immensely overwhelming, but surprising at the least. My daily bus ride to my office building passes Daley Plaza which is overlooked by the MASSIVE CBS screen. We were riding peacefully along when the bus driver says "WHat.. the... HELL?"
People in the masses had crowded into the plaza for.... a free TShirt? Mayhem was a-muck as normally revered business people pushed and shoved to grab at a t-shirt that says Chicago 2016. huh. interesting. what we Americans will do for the enticing "FREE".

O.K. I know I'm dramatic. Maybe not immensely overwhelming, but surprising at the least. My daily bus ride to my office building passes Daley Plaza which is overlooked by the MASSIVE CBS screen. We were riding peacefully along when the bus driver says "WHat.. the... HELL?"
People in the masses had crowded into the plaza for.... a free TShirt? Mayhem was a-muck as normally revered business people pushed and shoved to grab at a t-shirt that says Chicago 2016. huh. interesting. what we Americans will do for the enticing "FREE".
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