Monday, October 5, 2009

i'm too crazy

i'm too crazy to date.

as in:  i'm not a right-in-mind trype of person, and therefore am undateable
as well
as in:  there is no way i'm ever going to meet anyone (in)sane enough to put up with me.

...and for once.. i think that's ok.


Thursday, October 1, 2009


Like a rapid gust of wind,

potential love enters and leaves.

I'm sad to let this one go.  It's always hard to break up with someone... especially when it's so circumstantial.  The words "a time and place for everything" never rang truer.  I empathize with him, the decision he has to make.  My heart aches, for the sacrifice he's been forced to make.  I wish him a world of happiness and love, and hope that all his future endeavors prove successful and filled with joy.

With heavy heart, I'm going to do "the right thing" and let him walk away.

So quickly did this one enter and leave my life.

So sad it will be to say goodbye.

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